Friday, December 6, 2013

Fat Burner

For the grapefruit lovers and calorie burning enthusiasts. 

If your anything like me the words, "fat burner," always gets your attention. When I found out the benefits of this drink combo I decided to give it a go! ~ Even though I can't stand grapefruit, or grapefruit juice. It's NEVER been a good taste for me. Yuck, I always thought, and still do.~ But with the power behind the grapefruit juice I did it anyway. 

I call it my OZ Juice. 
I drink it before any big meal. The research says that if your trying to slim down to drink it before every meal, three times a day, but I'm still getting used to the taste so I do it less than that. At most I have done it twice in one day. 


Swimsuit Slimdown Tip 1: Sip Smart 
Before every meal, try Dr. Oz’s secret swimsuit slimdown drink of a choice – a mixture of grapefruit juice and apple cider vinegar. Simply mix 1 cup of grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, stir, and enjoy. The juice is loaded with vitamin C, which will help you burn fat faster, especially during exercise. In fact, a study showed that people with adequate vitamin C levels burned 30% more fat during moderate exercise than individuals low in vitamin C. Meanwhile, the acetic acid contained in the vinegar may switch on genes your body needs to pump out fat-burning proteins. If you find the drink a bit tart, add 1 teaspoon of honey, which only adds 20 calories, for sweetness. Drink Dr. Oz’s secret slimdown drink before every meal and you’ll literally burn away your fat while enjoying a citrusy delight. ~
Thank you Dr. Oz for this powerful fat burner! 
The first time I drank the mixture was after a nice hard run. Wow, I thought. This stuff is incredible. I literally felt my body burning calories after I drank it. It gave me a second wind and wound me up full of energy.  Below is the recipe for the concoction. I have tweaked it a bit for myself, due to the fact that the grapefruit juice is still hard for me to drink. Also a heads up for the non grapefruit lovers like me... Drink this very fast! It goes down easy and the faster you drink it the less you taste it. 

OZ Juice

Ingredients you will need:
1 cup Grapefruit juice
2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon Honey

Mix these altogether and you have yourself OZ Juice!

Burn those calories! : )
~Maddie J.


  1. Sounds tart! But I am definitely gonna try this :)

  2. You got it! And since it has been too tart for me lately I follow it down with a full glass of water.
    Let me know how it goes when you try this! I would love to hear about your experience.
