Wednesday, December 4, 2013

About Me:

I am just a regular young women looking for my purpose in life. I have all the same dreams as any other young women in their early twenties. Go to college, graduate with masters, get married, have kids, help others, write a book, be healthy, and be a good influence to others. Now as we know life doesn’t always go the way we plan it to be. It takes turns, dips, dives, jumps, crashes, and well you get it. So instead of being where I thought I would be I am here. Starting my 5k along the way. Where I am learning to live with the off course detour and embrace it into a positive healthy lifestyle. Within this journey I will be documenting onto my training blog, cook blog, go green, helpful tips, and photo of the day to help inspire others like me to lead a healthier lifestyle while embracing the chaos.

I feel exercise leads to a healthy body and healthy mind. For the past month now I have been exercising and eating healthier on a daily basis. Since I am in the early stages, there are still those cheat days where I have to have pizza or macaroni and cheese. My favorites of course. I have been tracking my thoughts for my blog for a while now and this has got the wheels in my head turning.

Within the past month I have been going through a lot in my life. Times are tough, money is tight and dreams have been put on hold so we can just get by and make ends meet. We have been on a strict budget in every department to stay a float. In doing so, we have been able to feel the pain of hunger. There have been days that we could not afford to buy a big filling dinner and it is back to the basics or nothing but water. Instead of letting this drag me down I have began to embrace the bump. I have taken this to my advantage when planning a detox diet, or new healthy food recipe. For I have been changing my entire life style altogether.

I have decided to grab the attention of people who can relate to me, people who are just looking for a little support, inspiration or even motivation. It’s difficult to change such a huge part in your life without a support system. Here on my 5k along the way journey I would like to take you with me letting you see another person’s point of view.

Overall, I have decided that my new life purpose is going to be creating a cook blog, for the 5k along the way, to turn into a cook book, eventually. Over the past few years I have been watching cooking shows and researching new recipes of all kinds. I have done this on various budgets and incomes. Since being at my lowest income I have experienced how difficult it can be to be able to buy a nice home cooked healthy meal ingredient by ingredient. To this we have my motivation for finally creating my cook blog and getting the ball rolling. I will begin my cook blog to inturn make a book where I am able to donate a percentage of all profits to one or more charities that help feed the hungry in America. One of my goals I have always secretly had is that I would like to be able to contribute to charities and others as much as I can, when I can. Currently I am not able to donate more than my time and a few bucks or gifts along the way, but some day I will be able to do a lot more.

To do this, I need YOU!

Your help along the way.
Whether you want to comment for support, helpful hints, suggestions, recipe tips or anything else positive and motivational or just need some help or motivation yourself. In order to get to the part of raising money for other hungry Americans I need to start somewhere and this blog is step one! Please tell your friends, family, co workers, or anyone for that matter of what I am trying to do.

I look back and think of how amazing researching about a 5k race can be so inspiring and lead to such wonderful ideas in life. I am so glad I have taken the step towards my first 5k for it has given me motivation in life for helping others along their own journey.

Thank you in advanced for you time and for being apart of my 5k along the way.

Spread the Running Joy!
~ Maddie J.

You can help fight hunger with me!
Please come join me. Don’t’ forget to bring your friends! 

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